Procyon Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner

Procyon Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner (32oz / 12 Quart Bottles)


Completely soap free, odor free and non-toxic. Will not leave behind a soapy, sticky residue greatly reducing rapid re-soiling, so carpets stay cleaner, longer.

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Soap FREE Procyon Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner eliminates the use of chemicals including neutralizers, heavy duty traffic lane presprayers, bonnet chemicals, extraction chemicals, defoamers, acidic rinsing agents and enzymes that can be harsh and/or toxic. Provides excellent cleaning results on heavy grease, oil & dirt soiled carpets and uholstery. It will remove the ground-in dirt from severely soiled traffic lanes. It will also remove tough spots and stains caused by blood, various inks, road tar, ketchup, shoe polish, tea, coffee, food and beverage residues, and more! ProcyonCarpet & Upholstery Cleaner can be used with hot or cold water and can be used as a prespray or with cleaning systems.

  • Completely soap free, odor free and non-toxic.
  • Will not leave behind a soapy, sticky residue greatly reducing rapid re-soiling, so carpets stay cleaner, longer.
  • Breaks down old soap residues left behind from previous cleaners.

All Procyon products are Green Seal Certified.